Instructions for use Vermixin

capsules Vermixin instructions for use

Going on a trip to the countries of Asia or Africa, know that for every inhabitant of these regions of the planet there are two and one type of helminths, respectively! Cleansing the body of parasites and toxins after travel must be done in a timely manner, including the use of Vermixin capsules! In Europe, in Croatia, the situation is somewhat better, but every resident at least once in his life has a parasitic disease. Parasitic phenomena are especially frequent among children who do not know how to fully respect personal hygiene (putting fingers in mouth, biting nails). The prevalence is related partly to a decrease in immune reactivity, partly to dietary habits (consumption of raw fish or slightly processed food products), migration processes and an increase in the number of stray animals. Helminthiasis are diseases that are dangerous to others because of their rapid and easy spread. Vermixin capsules were created to combat this dangerous phenomenon. They have a completely natural composition, do not give side effects, unlike chemical counterparts.

Instructions for use: how to use Vermixin?

Vermixin capsules are taken twice a day with a glass of water. A personal allergic reaction to the components of the drug, which are extracts or natural ingredients, is possible: if itching or rash appears, use should be discontinued. Allergic skin test is not possible for Vermixin due to the oral capsule shape. The duration of the course is determined individually, in accordance with the note attached to the medication.


Vermixin capsules are positive for all types of helminthiasis that you can get by working on a personal plot where fertilizers of an organic type are applied, petting a pet (especially a dog that can get this disease while walking andtransmit it to you). without washing hands after visiting public places: helminth eggs are everywhere! Both initial acute and neglected chronic stages are suitable for treatment.

Type of helminthiasis Explanation
transparent Damage, for example, to the intestinal tract from teniarynchosis, roundworms, stronguloidiasis, trichuriasis.
pulmonary Tomingosis, paragonimiasis.
Parasites in the hepatobiliary system Fascioliasis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis.
fabric Toxocariasis, schistosomiasis, filariasis.
Ophthalmohelminthiases The organs of vision are affected.

Parasites without treatment and prevention, including Vermixin capsules, can penetrate any tissue and organ and cause serious diseases:

  1. vulvitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, pyelonephritis, appendicitis (with pinworms, trichuriasis);
  2. Crohn's disease, pneumonia, acute pancreatitis or enteritis (with strongulidosis);
  3. acute myocarditis, acute hepatitis, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, retinoblastoma (with toxocariasis).

Therefore, Vermixin natural capsules can be indicated for the above diseases as part of complex therapy.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.